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Tau Lambda with their PA, Sejin *tarte* Lee

PE: Stephanie *mixu* Fei (Tau Zeta)

PEA: Sejin *Tarte* Lee (Tau Theta)


#68 Jessica *Izumi* Liu
#69 Erika Victoria *innibrë* Catipon
#70 Elizabeth *Ellipsis* Ding
#71 Lillian *Luciera* Tran
#72 Irene *D'vie* Wang
#73 Gina *cavalli* Kim

#68 Jessica *Izumi* Liu

Major: Public Health (Pre-Physician Assistant)
Year: Alumna (Graduated Fall 2012)
Ethnicity: Chinese

Big Sis: SeJin *Tarte* Lee (Tau Theta)

Little Sis: Leah *Kizuki* Goldberg (Tau Pi)

#69 Erika Victoria *innibrë* Catipon

Major: English Language and Literature, Asian American Studies (minor)
Year: Alumna (Graduated Fall 2011)
Ethnicity: Filipino, Chinese

Big Sis: Meredith *m&m* Xu (Tau Eta)

Little Sis: Christina *an'DiAmo* Lee (Tau Mu)


About Me: When I'm not going to concerts with other syzters, you can find me out on the water kayaking, throwing on the potter's wheel or curled up with a good book.

#70 Elizabeth *Ellipsis* Ding

Major: Government & Politics
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2012)
Ethnicity: Korean

Big Sis: Tran *Amisolé* Hoang (Tau Eta)
Little Sis: Diana *Llumeé* Diep (Tau Pi)

About Me:I love being around funny, energetic, and interesting people. Good food is too tempting to resist, and I am a sucker for chocolate!

#71 Lillian *Luciera* Tran

Major: Japanese and Communications, East Asian Studies (minor)
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2012)
Ethnicity: Chinese and Vietnamese

Big Sis: Amanda *Stila* Kim (Tau Epsilon)

Little Sis: Angela *Ardysia* Mei (Tau Pi)

God Little Sis: Monica *Renaissance* Choi (AD Charter)

#72 Irene *D'vie* Wang

Major: International Business/Marketing or Architecture
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2012)
Ethnicity: Chinese

Big Sis: Cindy *Kazzi* Kwan (Tau Eta)
Little Sis: Catherine *Madeira* Cheng (Tau Pi)

About Me: Although it may not seem like it at first, I'm a huge goober on the inside. I'm really easy-going, i have a huge sweet tooth and i like to think that i am somewhat athletic.

#73 Gina *cavalli* Kim

Major: Physiology & Neurobiology
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2012) 
Ethnicity: Korean

Big Sis: Min *catalina* Seo (Tau Iota)

About Me: I am Goofy, Interesting, Neat, and Active. I love to live life to its fullest, as corny as it may sound, and I try not to regret mistakes I have made. In general I try to make life as fun as possible (staying positive) however when I know I have to be serious I get down to business. I like to give a good first impression when I first meet people and usually I give off a "weird" vibe but it's better to be weird than normal, because then the person will actually remember you. If i were to tell people an interesting fact about me I would probably say that I iron my money. Whatever I do, I am always organized, to the point that I am somewhat A.D.D. For instance, my closet is organized by name brand, style, and color. Also, I am very active. I am always moving around because I can't stand still; I have to be doing something unless I am sleeping. teeheeeee :))


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